
Retinal Lasers

Retinal Lasers

Retinal Lasers services offered in Long Beach, CA

Retinal lasers provide a safe and effective treatment option for common eye problems, like diabetic retinopathy, retinal tears, and retinal detachments. At Apex Retina Institute, located in Long Beach, California, board-certified ophthalmologist Darren Knight, MD, and the team use cutting-edge retinal lasers to complete various minimally invasive procedures. Call Apex Retina Institute today to see if you can benefit from treatment with retinal lasers or book your appointment online.

What are retinal lasers?

Retinal lasers use targeted light energy to treat problems affecting your retina –– a light-sensitive nerve tissue at the back of your eyes that receives images and sends them to your brain for visual interpretation.

Retinal lasers provide a safe, effective, and minimally invasive way to treat retinal diseases and injuries. Treatment is less risky than traditional eye surgery and offers lasting results. 

What eye problems can benefit from treatment with retinal lasers?

Dr. Knight and the Apex Retina Institute team use retinal lasers to treat various eye problems, including:

  • Retinal tears and detachments
  • Retinal vein occlusion (RVO)
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Macular degeneration
  • Diabetic macular edema (DME)

Retinal lasers can treat floaters and flashers. Dr. Knight aims the laser at clumps in your vitreous to break up the floaters, making them less noticeable.

What does treatment with retinal lasers involve?

At Apex Retina Institute, Dr. Knight and the team provide treatment with retinal lasers onsite. After the procedure, you won’t be able to drive or operate heavy machinery, so make sure you have a friend or family member available to pick you up. 

First, you sit down in a comfortable reclining chair. Dr. Knight administers anesthetic eye drops, ensuring your comfort, and then he administers dilating eye drops, so he can see the back of your eye.

After the anesthesia sets in, Dr. Knight uses a handheld laser device to access your retina and the surrounding tissues. The device emits targeted bursts of light energy that cut, coagulate, or remove tissue. 

For example, if you have a retinal tear, Dr. Knight uses the laser to close the opening and prevent further damage. Likewise, if you have macular degeneration, Dr. Knight can use the laser to stop leaking blood vessels and preserve your vision.

Most laser procedures take 30-60 minutes and occur on an outpatient basis. You don’t have to stay in the hospital or spend time away from home.

What is recovery like after treatment with retinal lasers?

After laser treatment, Dr. Knight writes you a prescription for steroid eye drops. Use the eye drops daily to reduce inflammation and encourage your body’s healing process. 

Most people return to work the next day, but you may need to avoid strenuous activities, like exercise or heavy lifting, for at least a week. 

Retinal lasers are safe and usually well-tolerated, but some people experience blurred or fuzzy vision for a few days. 

Call Apex Retina Institute today to learn more about retinal lasers, or make your appointment online.