
Retinal Detachments

Retinal Detachments

Retinal Detachments services offered in Long Beach, CA

Retinal detachment is a potentially serious eye injury that requires prompt intervention and treatment. At Apex Retina Institute, located in Long Beach, California, board-certified ophthalmologist Darren Knight, MD, and the team offer several types of treatment for retinal detachments, including scleral buckle, pneumatic retinopexy, and vitrectomy. Call Apex Retina Institute today to receive treatment for a retinal detachment, or book your appointment online.

What are retinal detachments?

Retinal detachment occurs when your retina  –– a light-sensitive piece of nerve tissue at the back of your eye –– pulls away from the tissues supporting it. 

Retinal detachments cause sudden and severe vision changes. If you experience floaters, flashes, or dark spots in your vision, contact Apex Retina Institute immediately.

What are the risk factors for retinal detachments?

Anyone can experience a retinal detachment, but several factors may increase your risk, including:

  • Eye injury
  • Family history of retinal detachment
  • Intraocular surgery
  • Severe myopia or nearsightedness
  • Eye conditions, like retinal thinning

If you have any of these risk factors, make an appointment with Dr. Knight. After an exam, he can make personalized treatment recommendations to protect your eye health.

What are the symptoms of retinal detachments?

Retinal detachment symptoms include:

  • Darkening or shadows covering parts of your vision
  • Darkening of your side (peripheral) vision
  • Seeing a lot of floaters
  • Sudden flashes of light

Retinal detachments typically aren’t painful, but without treatment, they can permanently affect your vision. If you have any of these side effects, contact Apex Retina Institute.

How are retinal detachments diagnosed?

Dr. Knight reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and completes a comprehensive eye exam. He dilates your pupils with special eyedrops and carefully examines your retina with special lenses.

Then, he orders optical coherence tomography (OCT) and an ocular ultrasound to get a closer look at your retina, macula, and the other structures at the back of your eye. 

How are retinal detachments treated?

Dr. Knight and the Apex Retina Institute team offer several types of treatment for retinal detachments, including:

Scleral buckle

This procedure uses a medical-grade silicone band to hold your retina in place. The band doesn’t interfere with your vision and prevents further damage.

Pneumatic retinopexy

During pneumatic retinopexy, Dr. Knight injects a small gas bubble into the back of your eye. The bubble presses against your retina, closing the tear and restoring your vision.


During a vitrectomy, Dr. Knight removes the vitreous –– a clear, colorless fluid between the lens and retina of your eye. Afterward, he fills the space with air, gas, or oil, holding your retina in place.

Call Apex Retina Institute today to receive treatment for a retinal detachment, or make your appointment online.